Saturday, February 22, 2014

Zone Conferences


We do 2 Zones at a time.  We travel to the Zones over an area roughly covering 2000 miles.

Zone Conference is a great time with our Missionaries.  
We do Trainings, Contact Practicing,  Health Segments.   Sister Leaders and the Assistance's do a Training.  President Reber concludes the AM and PM with him remarks, teaching and challenges to our Missionaires.  
This Conference we did a segment of Missionary Attire.  I wrote the segment and the Assistance's present it.  The Area Presidency asked us to go over this in our last Seminar.  There are many little things with the Elders and Sisters that is good to go over.
We also had Cleaning Supplies for the missionaries to take home with them.
We celebrate Birthdays too.
 We conclude the Conference then the Missionaries head to the Bus Stations to catch their bus back to their Area.  Some of them travel anywhere from 3- 15 hrs on bus to attend the Conference then have another 3 - 15 hr bus ride home!

Zones in the North 
Cuiaba, Caceres, Rondonopolis, Lucas, Sorriso, Sinop, Varzea Grande

 Q&A with the Assistance and Sister Leaders

 Zones in the South
Campo Grande, Aquidauana, Ponta Pora, Dourados,  Manacaju

 Ponta Pora
This cute couple is Serving the Mission by helping us with the up keep with the housing
 Sister's in Campo Grande

 Sister Leader Training

 Cleaning Supplies

 Birthday Celebrations
(my apologies to the Birthday pictures for the North, They got lost in the transferring of pictures from the camera to computer)

 Our Assistance - We have 2 in the North MT and 2 in the South MT do Sul

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Vivian's Visit 

When President Reber served 40 years ago as a Missionary, he taught Vivian's family, in Porta Algre.  It was then in the Brazil South Mission and covered all the Area's in the South. She was 11 years old when he served there.  In 1979 she was in High School.  She went to the United States for her last year of HS and 1st year of College, She learned English.  She returned to Porto Algre, married.  Her husband Fernando and her have a family, son and daughter.   Vivian teaches English classes and has taught for 30 years.  She is a sweetheart and we love her.  We have kept a close friendship with her over the past 40 years.  She wanted to visit us during our Mission here and came last week.  We had a wonderful time with her.  She gave me a Portuguese lesson every day! 

 Welcome to Cuiaba Vivian
 Meeting with some of our missionaries
 How many ways to say YOU in Portuguese
 Chapada's with Vivian

attending the Verdão Ward 

Elder João Stadler Wouffersgrim

He received his Mission Call to serve in the Brasil Juiz de Foça Mission.

This Elder is from Rondonopolis - He has served as a 'short term' Missionary with our missionaries while waiting for his Mission Call.  Rondonopolis is a District.   A District is an Area that is not part of a Stake.  The Mission President serves as the Stake President of a District.  We met this Elder at the airport,  during his layover in route to the MTC in São Paulo.  We took him to the nearest Chapel where President Reber set him apart as a Missionary!  This Elder carries with him an incredible Spirit!  His siblings are members but his parents are not.  As President concluded the Setting Apart this now, new Elder buried his head in his hands and wept tears of Joy!

We returned to the airport, bought him some lunch before he boarded the plane for the São Paulo MTC (CTM)

It was such a sweet experience and one we will never forget! 

Paint Project

Paint Project 

Pedra 90

Missionaries House!





 Sandwiches, Cookies and refreshing cold beverages with these Missionaries

