Friday, June 27, 2014

New Missionaries

June 10 , 2014

8 new Missionaries - 5 Sisters and 3 Elders
This is a great group
Very excited to have them here

  Our new Missionaries with some of the Trainers

Fatima do Sul

it is a city in Mato Grosso do Sul.  To drive from Cuiaba would be a 16 hour drive.
This is one of our new areas just recently opened.  It is a Group here
These were the first Baptisms .  They were Baptized in the lake behind.

June 20, 2014
Elder's sang Teach me to Walk
It was a beautiful day for a Baptism!

We walked across this bridge!

This young boy and young girl were both Baptized and Confirmed on this Sunday.  Linda is the little girls name which means beautiful in Portuguese.
This family - a mother and her two kids are investigators.  The woman is 68 years old and her daughter 10 and son 9 years old. 

Thursday, June 26, 2014

39 years strong

We were having Pizza with the District Leaders after a Loooong Day of Training.  The Sisters were across the table and I just asked if they would take a picture.  Unplanned, President leaned over and kissed me on the cheek.  The table of Missionaries just whooped and hollared!  They got a big kick out his affection and I loved it too!  

 In Brazil Valentines Day is June 12th -  It is called the Day of the Boyfriend and Girlfriend.
I'm glad I've had this boyfriend for 39 years!   I'm keeping him forever!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Departing Elders 
We are saying good-bye to this group that we welcomed here 2 years ago.  
That was fast
 Lunch in the Mission Home
 Final words of counsel from President and Sister Reber  

We will miss this Group

Fica Firme

Baptism of Amanda

This is Christopher and Amanda.  Christopher is a member and they have been dating for several years.  The Sisters have been teaching Amanda and challenged her to get baptized.

They needed to first be married to Thursday June 12, 2014 they were married in front of a Judge.  Our Elder and Sister Davis attended the wedding with the Sisters.

Then Amanda's Baptism June 14, 2014

Amanda was Baptized a Member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day-Saints
Elder Davis was asked to perform the Baptism which I thought was such an honor for him to do. 
It was such a tender baptism to witness.  They asked me to give the opening Prayer which I was honored to do for them.

  Christopher gave her the sweetest hug after it.  They are so happy, we are so happy and everyone at the baptism was so happy! 

The Sisters at the Chapada's

 Looking over Cuiaba

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Mãos que ajudam

Helping Hands in Brasil

Mãos que ajudam
June 7, 2014
cleaning up a community park in the City was the project for this year.  
It is really fun to work together!  It is really true "Work can be fun"

This is what it's all about
Getting families to the Temple
A Mission is more than just baptizing.  
It is getting Families to the Temple. 
 It is all about Enduring
2 Nephi 31:20
Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ,
 having a perfect brughtness of hope, and a love of God and of all men.  
Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, 
and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: 
Ye shall have eternal life.

This family lives in Prima Vera.  We started a Group there 18 months ago.  This man is the Group President. The Group there now 40+ attending each Sunday.   Just recently we made application to make this Group a Branch. 
We received the go-ahead from the Area Presidency !  
Last month this family traveled to the Temple in Sao Paulo and were sealed together.  What a sweet experience to hear about.  The youngman in the photo was a missionary of ours that served here.  He has since returned home.  He met this sweet family at the Temple! 
I love our Missionaries are still connected to the people here.
We love our Mission, We love these people

Departing Elders

never an easy Goodbye but what a nice evening together.
Dinner in the Mission Home, Final Interviews with our Elders and our ending Words of Counsel as they depart for home!
This Mission will miss these 3

Baptisms in Morada da Serra

May 31, 2014