Monday, October 29, 2012


 In Vilhena, population 100,000. The city is spread out.  There are many outline areas that Missionaries just can't get to because of the walking distance.  The strongest Branch who's membership is growing, thriving and strong found out that the building( a rented building) they meet in, they will have to move out of.  We have struggled because to move them to the church where Branch 2 meets would work but the distance would be so taxing on the membership.  I kept telling Dad,  you can not combine the Branches, it will kill the center of strength there.  This probably will not be making sense to you but last night Dad said he couldn't go to sleep, worried about what to do with the Branch.  Today was the last Sunday in their building.  They were all so sad, not knowing what would happen and fearing that they will have to find a way to travel to the other side of town to the other building.  I don't know how to exactly explain what happened today but we got approval to dissolve the District there making it under the Direct leadership of the Mission.  If it's a Branch in a District, it is in a Stake.  If it is a Branch that isn't in a District, it is in the Mission.  Dad had put in that application a month ago to dissolve the District which would mean the Branches are part of the Mission.  He got on the phone today after church with his Area contact person.  Long story short! The application was approved and the District dissolved.  That makes the Mission President able to make some decisions for areas quicker.  So the good news is  this Branch is going to be able to rent another building close in their area.  When Presidente called the Branch President, the man was jumping up an down with excitement over the phone!  "He said,  You are not going to believe what an answer to prayer this phone call is".  Today he said "I told my Branch of about 70 members that we needed to exercise our Faith together and that a way would be provided!   We are so excited over here.  It is truly a miracle and the faith of the sweet, humble members in this city of Vilhena.  The Lord is mindful of all people in whatsoever land they live in.  I have read that over and over in the Book of Mormon.  I know that it is soooo True.  Even though this is a small, it also says in the Book of Mormon "by small and simple things - Great things come to pass"!    I am so grateful for this experience.   It is just another 'tender mercy' that the Lord knows!  He brings to our minds quiet thoughts and solutions.  If we listen, we can help the work.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

New Missionaries - October 9. 2012

New Missionaries - October 9, 2012
Bem Vindos Missionario's

We Love our New Missionaries!  They bring new energy!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Departing Missionaries

We bid our Departing Missionaries farewell  by going to the Chapada's.  It is a fun tradition in our Mission.  Today was a beautiful day!

Bidding farewell to Cuiaba, Brasil!
Our testimonies are rock strong
We did it!

Know the Gospel is true
And be true to the Gospel... Elder David B. Bednar

Remember these 5 thing - Red Glove - signifies they are Important things

!.  Return to the Temple as soon as you can
2.  Read the Book of Mormon in 3 months
3.  Remember your Missionary family - become friends on our Facebook page
     KeithandStephanie Reber - Cuiaba, Brasil Mission
4.  Marry a Rock Solid companion in the Temple
5,  Always, Always, Always Follow the Prophet
October 7, 2012 - Our Departing Missionaries
 Sunday evenings Testimony Meeting - We will miss them!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Rondonopolis, Brazil Sept /2012

Monday 9/24/2012
It rained today.  It was a welcome relief to the heat…a happy day!   Actually from the week I had last week, I felt like the rain was a 'tender mercy'!  I know the Lord is mindful of us!   We feel his guidance in this mission.

It is so good to see the Sun set on a Hard day knowing that the Sun will rise on a New Day! 

I sent this to the family in an email

The last 3 days have been a tender mercy.    After having such a rough week last week , other words would be Hard, Bad,  Temperature were so unbearable HOT all over,  dealing with hard Zone Conferences, problems and issues,  I was feeling so weak and plead in my prayers for strength!  Even Mission President plead to the Lord for help and direction.  We are not immuned to discouragement.
Monday the clouds moved in and it rained here in Cuiaba cooling the temperature down  from 118+ to 75 degrees.  We opened the windows and went to sleep with the sound of the falling rain.
Tues was another beautiful
Wednesday - another day with temp in the mid 70's.  With the windows open there a a little breeze that fills our home.
I just couldn't help but feel that the Lord carry's us when we can't carry ourselves.  Just a little mercy like the rains and a cool down  boosted my spirits.  It is sweet the feeling that the Lord can give thru simple simple ways!  Just like a whisper from the Holy Ghost that
"The Lord knows" and "will give us the strength"!  It is hard to describe how it happens but it does.

9/25/2012 - Zone Conference- went well!  I'm getting pretty good at my talk with the 7th time around.
Last night as we went to bed, in the dead of night I thought of the translations to a sentence.  In the dark I said "Keith!  are you awake?"  He always says "yes", but I know he's half asleep.  I used the sentences in my remarks today.
Those are small but huge successes for me.

funny story:  Last week during our travels, it was Sunday.  We had been to meetings but Presidente had two Elders to interview before he left town so we arranged to meet them at the church.  We arrived just at the 3 pm Block time.  RS and Priesthood was first so no one was in the Chapel.  It was so HOT that day but the Chapel area was air conditioned so I thought it would be a good place to wait for Pres.  A member came up and said something to me that I didn't understand.  I thought he was asking me if I wanted to go to RS or SS.  I just said "no, I was waiting" and smiled :).  Some men started coming in the Chapel area.  They were visiting one with another.  The Elders (Brazilian), walked in and I was talking a little bit to one then all of sudden I realized I was in Priesthood meeting!  I quickly stood up and said " I am so sorry".  They were laughing and so was I.  It was quite comical!  I laughed about it in the car telling Keith. 

another funny story:  Yesterday I was in the Mission Office.  My desk in in the same room with the Presidente and there is a bathroom off of the office, so it is convenient.   I have to add here that the TP(toilet paper) here is like tissue paper, very coarse.  Keith went in to use the bathroom and I could hear him talking as if he was talking to someone.  When he came out I asked "where you talking to someone in there"?   He just looked at me funny like  and replied as he got back to his desk  'I just get so mad at the TP"!   hahahahahaha,  we had a good laugh with that too.   A good laugh once in awhile feels good!  :)

It's probably not nearly as funny as it was that day!  I still laugh as I'm typing it!  That's how easy we are to entertain!  hahaha

9/26/2012 - Nice day in Cuiaba!  Another break from the HEAT!    High today 78 F.

9/27/2102 -
Traveled to Rondonoplis - The AP's traveled with us.  Actually the AP's split.  One stayed to work and one of the Zone Leaders came with the AP.  We had a good drive.  Elder Fraggoso is Brazilian and doesn't speak Englsih.  It was a good time to practice my Portuguese words.  Elder Ethchicury is good to help with translation.  I like Elder Fragoso.
Both He and Elder. Ethcucury go home next transfer (10 days).  
When we arrived in Rondonnopolish we arrived just in time for a Ward activity.  The Missionaries had set the Church building for an activity.  Most of you have heard about the activity where there's a plane wreack and everyone goês thru the degrees of glorty.  It started out with Perdition, Telestial, Terrestial, then we end up in the Celestrial Kingdom.  The Elders were dressed in white, There was music playing "If you could hie to Kolob. "The spirity of God".  It was a powerful activity.  I even got teary.  I was sitting by a YW.  While we were waiting, listening to the beautiful music she learned over and with English words said  "Sister, You ARe Beautiful".  That really was a surprise!  hahaha  After they all wanted to take photos with us.  It was so cute
The Elders in Rondonopolis are doing great things here.  The Zone Leaders are doing what SL should be doing.  The members have confidence and trust the Elders thus they are getting referrals from the member.  This área is a District so they have a District President who is incredile.  He loves the members.  He serves the members.   Because of the Love he shows them, they Love him back.  '
He hás a great family.  We had met them the last time we were here so I recognized them when seeing them again.  He hás as little girl, Louiza (Lo-Za) age 10.  She came up to me and we hugged.  Every meeing I saw her at she would come right up to me and we would greet eachother with a hug.
I took a picture and will post if with the Album.  The members of the church there a beautiful people.

Saturday - Presidente had interviews so I walked down the street.  I found a fabric store.  I loved it.  only had 30 minutes so I made a plan  that I would return to the fabric store in the afternoon when I knew I would have more time.  Didn't know that all the shops close in the afternoon.  so disappointed!  I walked down the street in and out of stores.  This is the FIRST time since being here I've felt comfortable on my own.  I know how to ask a few questions and felt more confidente.  So this was a mile stone!
I made my way back to the church because it was so hot and I was dripping with sweat.  Presidente was giving Temple Recommend Interviews.  As people were waiting I enjoyed my simple visits with them.  Sometimes I surprise myself!  In November the Branches have planned a Bus excursion to the Cumpinas Temple.   These people plan and and look forward to this Temple trip.  They have so much fun together.
It had been such a HOT/Humid day (110 plus 80-90% humidity.
Saturday night Presidente and I gave a fireside for all 3 Branches here.  As we arrived to the church, the weather was stormy.  Presidente tells me, don't be surprised if no one comes.    No worries for me!  The exact opposite happened.  The people started coming and coming and coming.  All the benches feeling up until there was only standing room.  I was soooo surprised. I had my talk ready but didn't know exactly what order.  I got up and spoke for 15 minutes, in Portuguese!  I told the people that I love Rondonopolis,  I love the people here, I love the members of the church here!    I see them smile.  I feel myself smiling as well.   As I am talking I see many nodding their head up and down, like they are understanding.  Presidente always does good.  He spoke for 30 min.  Many if not all will alway file up to us and shake our hands.  There is much respect out here.
After the fireside we met with some families who live in a community  some distance from the Church.
It is a burden and expense to pay for the travel expense for their family to travel.  Presidente organized for a 'group' to meet together.  This is a step to becoming a Branch.  These people were so thrilled.
They are committed members.  This área wants so badly to have a Stake in Rondonopolis.  No doubt that someday they will.
We went out for Pizza with some members and District Presidents family.  It was really fun.
They asked about where we are from etc.  Presidente said that he can see the Temple from his Office Window.  The Disitrict Presidente who a positive upbeat man said,  We can see the Temple tôo, from the window of our Bus!  They all chuckled about it.  He said as they approach the Temple, the people will all rush to the front of the bus to see who can be the first one to see the Temple.
It's kinds of like driving into St. George coming from LV(only a 22 hr bus ride)  and looking for the Temple!  It is a thrill for the people here.  We are so blessed to have a Temple so close.  We need to not take those blessings for granted.
9/30/2012 - Went to Sacrament meeting in the 3rd Branch.  When I walked in they asked me if I could play the piano.  I played 4 hymn on a small organ.  I was pretty nervous but I've been playing the piano in the Mission Home a lot this past week.  It was all good!
There was a baptism tôo after church here.  It's a sweet story about this sister.  He is the mother of 2 little boys.  The missionaries were walking down the street and heard someone say
Elder.  When they turned around, they asked her "Did you say Elder?  She said no, but that she had said "Bom Dia", which is a greeting here that means 'good day'.  What the Elders heard was the word "Elder"!  This sister was taught the gospel and is, like Dallen says,  so legit! 

saw a giant armadillo this week by the side of the road! You can google it to see what it looks like.  They are funny looking animals  Still looking for an Alligator